4 May 2011
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Uncategorized
Auto Profit Generator is the simplest method of creating a passive income online for life and it’s totally FREE.
The Auto Profit Generator offers you an opportunity to make unlimited profits with a very simple plan. All you have to do is give away a free report and the system will do the rest.
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No matter if you are experienced marketer or just a beginner the Auto Profit Generator makes earning simple, you don’t need website or a list and you can start in just a few minutes. Just download a free report from http://auto-profit-generator.com and start earning.
If you looking for a free online business that delivers or just want to increase your revenue streams then Auto Profit Generator is for you.
Download your free report today at http://auto-profit-generator.com and start earning.
Tags: auto profit generator, earn from home, earn online, easy cash, easy money, fast money, free money, home business, how to earn online, learn how to earn online, passive invome, retire fast, revenue stream
1 May 2011
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions, Uncategorized
Market research is the best way to find new products and more importantly, determine whether they will sell. When we perform market research, we are researching three things (1) the audience (2) the products and (3) the competition. Think about it this way: would you ever open a cafe in a street without knowing if there are other cafes nearby, or without researching how many people walk by each day? It’s highly unlikely! Without performing adequate market research, online sellers can find themselves with a garage full of $5000 worth of stock and no interested buyers. To avoid getting yourself into that kind of dreaded situation, read on for my 5 step guide to easy online market research.
Step 1 Come up with a few product ideas. You may already have a few to get you started. Keep in mind the best items to sell are niche items which means they will appeal to only a small audience. This might seem strange, but new sellers become PowerSellers by appealing to a very small number of people then expanding their product range later. A few examples might be: plus size men’s sleepwear, fishing rod holders, left handed can-openers or women’s golf shoes.
Step 2 Next, research these products individually. You can do this by searching through eBay’s completed listings. This will take couple of hours of your time but won’t cost a thing. Start by going to eBay.com and clicking the “advanced search” icon right next to the search bar. Find the heading “search including” and check the box for “completed listings”
Step 3 Next enter a few keywords describing the item you are selling, select a category and hit the search button
Step 4 You’ll now be presented with a list of search results. Scroll through the results and look at how many items sold (represented by their price being written in green) and how many did not sell (represented by their price being written in red). Count up the number of green listings in relation to the number of red. To find a profitable niche product, you need to find a product with at least 60% of its completed listings being green. Scroll through at least 5 pages to really make sure you are onto a good thing.
Step 5 If you’re item meets the 60% threshold; it’s time to find a supplier! If you’re item doesn’t hit the 60% mark, enter a new product idea into the search bar and start over!
Tags: buy online, buy wholesale, cheap products, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, easy cash, easy money, free money, home business, how to earn online, internet auctions, internet business, make money from home, make money online, nokia, Online Auctions, ps3, wholesale products, wholesale suppliers, Wholesale Tips, xbox
17 Oct 2010
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions, Uncategorized
What to look for in a great wholesale electronics supplier:
- Quality products. To make it big in selling electronics, you need exceptional quality of products. Unless you are dealing in second hand or factory seconds items, you will need flawless products and packaging with manuals and instructions. It’s so worth the time it takes to find a supplier with great quality items as it will save you a lot of time spent on processing refunds and dealing with angry emails from frustrated customers.
- Quality Service. You need a supplier who will deliver on time and will respond to any queries thoroughly and quickly. The very best suppliers will communicate with you regularly, even long after you have placed a large order with them. You should also go for a supplier with a strong personal interest in electronics and technology – this will help when you have technical questions and will help to ensure that they will stock the latest products.
- Product guarantees: Of all the products you could sell, electronics is probably one of the most potentially problematic. Your supplier should be able to guarantee all their products.
- A partnership approach. A strong and mutual relationship will benefit both you and your supplier, and will have your supplier acknowledge how important your business is, and you acknowledge how valuable their great service and product range is for your business.
- A clean record. For online suppliers, you can conduct a search on them on the Better Business Bureau’s site which can tell you if the site has had complaints laid against them. Look closely at the results – even some of the best sites have had complaints lodged on BBB but if there are many that are consistently about the quality of the products, it’s best to take this as a sign that they aren’t a great supplier.
Where can I find the best wholesale electronics suppliers?
The best suppliers aren’t always easy to find but with a few hours of solid searching and researching, you can definitely find some great online suppliers.
- Google searches work well, but to really narrow your results down to finding only the best search for “award winning + electronics suppliers” or use other key words like “legitimate”, “trusted” or “recommended”.
- To really ensure that you get the best possible suppliers, use a reputable online supplier directory. The best of these are regularly updated and list only trusted suppliers. To find a list of reputable suppliers, try Googling “product sourcing directories”.
- To find local suppliers, you can try visiting local trade fairs or simply pull out your Yellow Pages and looking for manufacturers, suppliers or wholesalers near you.
Tags: buy online, buy wholesale, cheap products, drop shipping, earn online, earn with auctions, easy money, Electronics Suppliers, home business, how to earn online, internet auctions, internet business, ipad, iphone, iphone suppliers, learn how to earn online, make extra cash from home, make money from home, mobile phones, Online Auctions, promote your website, ps2, ps3, psp, trademe, Website promotion, Wholesale Electronics Suppliers, wholesale goods, wholesale products, wholesale suppliers, Wholesale Tips, xbox
14 Oct 2010
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions, Uncategorized
Are you looking into selling wholesale clothing but don’t where to start? Or have you been wondering where your competitors get their amazing products from (and how they get them so cheap!)? Read on to find out how to find the very best clothing wholesalers on the web!
A wide range of products: A supplier who caters for everyone from babies to fashionistas won’t just offer you convenience; they will offer you more opportunities to sell to a wider audience.
A taste for what’s hot: Fashion moves very quickly with some fads only lasting a few months (remember those awful scarves with skulls on them? Thank God they only lasted a few weeks!), but during those few months, fads can be highly profitable. Therefore you need a supplier who can quickly sniff out the new trends and source them from the manufacturers to bring them to you.
Quality products: Before you place any big orders, get a few samples to take a look at. Suppliers are more than happy to do this – some even expect it. Take a close look at the quality (wear them around and wash them, if you can, you’ll get a great idea of how they will wear). Order a few different items like shirts, jeans and coats to really get an idea of their quality standards. Better quality clothing will mean more repeat customers so make sure you spend some time doing this.
Exceptional customer service: When things go wrong, like shipments going astray, or orders are incorrect, the last thing you want is an irresponsive supplier who doesn’t return your calls. Before you place an order with your new supplier, make sure you do a little test by emailing or calling them with a few questions. See how helpful they are, how thoroughly they answer your questions and if emailing, how quickly they respond.
So where will you find suppliers who offer all of the above, I hear you ask? Well, the best suppliers aren’t always easy to find but with some time and persistence, you can definitely get there! Unfortunately, it’s not really an option to email your competitors and ask them where they source their items from, but with some patience and persistence, you too can find great suppliers who will help to propel you to PowerSeller status before you can say “bootleg jeans”!
- Performing a Google search is a great start, but remember that the best sellers aren’t always on the first page of search results. Also keep in mind that when you search for suppliers on Google or any other search engine, you make yourself vulnerable to con artists out there who will take your money and run off into cyber space, never to be heard from again.
- To really ensure that you get the best possible suppliers, use a reputable online supplier directory, such as SaleHoo.com. Be wary of small lesser-known directories, as there are actually only a few reputable ones.
- To find local suppliers, trade fairs or shows are a great way to find out about the latest products and to meet suppliers face to face. Or for a simple option which you can do from home, simply pull out your Yellow Pages and look for manufacturers, suppliers or wholesalers near you.
Tags: Best Wholesale, buy online, buy wholesale, cheap products, clothing supplier, Clothing Suppliers, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, easy money, eBay, free money, home business, how to earn online, internet auctions, internet business, internet money, learn how to earn online, make money from home, Online Auctions, salehoo, sell online, trademe, Website promotion, Wholesale, Wholesale Tips
10 Oct 2010
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions, Uncategorized
Getting into wholesale gifts is a great way to get started in online selling. For existing retailers, it’s perfect for expanding your product range. Wholesale gifts encompass so many great markets as well as some highly lucrative niches!
You could get into jewelry, homeware such as vases and wall art, picture frames and candles, or gift cards, bath sets or garden ornaments, so there are plenty of items to keep you interested. Best of all, there are so many people who will buy from you not only for others, but also for themselves!
Gifts can be a relatively competitive market, especially when you sell online. Making sure you are paying only the very best price possible and getting access to the most exciting range of products is paramount to your success. How you go about selling is also important in a competitive market. To really bump up your sales, read below for my 5 top tricks of the trade and watch that bottom line grow!
5 tricks of the trade
- Gifts sell well all year round but to really make a killing, you should customize your product range according to the season. For example, around Valentine’s Day, items such as stuffed toys with sweet messages and lingerie will really pick up. Likewise, around Mother’s Day, you can expect candles, bath sets, and cook books to turn a big profit. At Christmas, the sky is the limit on how much you can earn – your regular gift items will sky rocket and any Christmas related products like Christmas tree decorations will also be highly popular.
- Offer fast shipping. So many gifts that are bought online are last minute gifts. Your buyer may have just remembered their mom turns 60 on Thursday and they need to get them something fabulous ASAP. What might turn some buyers off is the possibility of their gift not arriving on time. To remedy this, make sure you state that your items can be delivered the very next day after payment is received. eBay sellers can make the most of “Get it Fast” which gives buyers the confidence that you can ship to them very quickly.
- Visit trade shows and fairs to get to know what the hot and up and coming products are. It’s also a great way to meet new suppliers. If there are no trade shows or fairs in your area, take a look online by Googling the name of the product you want to sell + “wholesale supplier“, or sign up to a trusted wholesale supplier directory where you will find the best and most trusted suppliers on the web and will protect yourself from being scammed by shady suppliers.
- When listing items on eBay, think carefully about the key words you use in your listing title. This is not only the first glimpse that potential buyers will have of your listing, it’s also the best possible way to help your listings rank well when buyers search for items. You only have 55 characters to work with so make sure each one counts! Start by using the most important keywords at the very start, this is called front-loading and is a very basic yet effective keyword optimization technique.
- Try to focus on one target market – at least to start out with. Think about an audience for your gift store, such as men who need something for their wives or girlfriends. Men often feel overwhelmed when they are left to buy something special for their wives so try to make it easy on them by offering lots of great options and tips on what women like (top 5 or 10 best selling product lists are great for men with no clue). This will really help them make the right decision and increase the chances of them coming back for more when they next have to find the perfect gift.
Tags: buy online, buy wholesale, cheap products, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, easy cash, free money, gifts, home business, how to earn online, internet auctions, internet business, make money from home, make money online, money, Online Auctions, ps2, ps3, salehoo, sell online, trademe, Website promotion, wholesale gifts, wholesale goods, wholesale products, wholesale suppliers, Wholesale Tips, xbox
6 Oct 2010
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions, Uncategorized
You have probably heard or read all about how popular baby items are to buy and sell online, and really, it’s no wonder – with over 15,000 babies being born every hour of every day across the globe, there is always a huge demand for baby products! Their immense online popularity comes for three reasons:
- New mum’s don’t always have time to go out to the store and buy new clothes, toys and other everyday items like feeding equipment and blankets, therefore, buying online suits their lifestyles much more than buying from regular stores.
- Raising babies is expensive business. Babies grow out of clothes very quickly, they go through dozens of diapers every week, not to mention saving for their education! So it’s really no surprise that the average cost of bringing up a baby in a Western country is around US$70,000 just in their first 5 years! For this reason, parents will try very hard to cut any costs they can, and more often than not, buying online will help them out immensely
- Many stay-at-home moms will use their spare time during the day to sell some of their used baby items online. It’s a great way for them to earn some extra cash and helps to get them interacting with the outside world a little more, which is great for curing the dreaded mommy brain syndrome!
There is still plenty of room to make money in this ever-growing market, and finding the best supplier possible is the key to your success. Read on as I let you in on what to look for in a super supplier and how to find the best ones available.
Stockist of safety equipment: Parents love spending money on safety equipment for their little ones and baby safety equipment is a top seller on eBay.
Great product knowledge: Just as you will be a better seller if you know a lot about baby products, your supplier will be more valuable to you if they know all about the items they are selling.
Flawless customer service and reliability: If they let you down, it could let your customers down so make sure you work with a supplier who understands what it means to offer great customer service.
Quality items: Quality control is especially important when it comes to selling baby products, especially if you are selling something like strollers, walkers or swings and play sets. Quality of clothing is just as important, as even though a baby may only have a few months to wear something before they grow out if it, chances are their clothes will be washed very often after they have spilled food, vomited or played outside in the puddles while wearing them.
Where to find the best baby product wholesalers
Online suppliers are usually the way to go but if you prefer to stay local you can either visit local trade shows or fairs (you might have to travel if you aren’t in a large city) or simply refer to your Yellow Pages (look up wholesalers, manufacturers, and suppliers), or Google the name of the product you are looking for + your state or city.
To find great online suppliers, performing a Google search is a great start. Remember though that the best sellers aren’t always on the first page of search results. It’s important to not to forget that when you search for suppliers on Google or any other search engine, you make yourself vulnerable to con artists out there who will take your money and run off into cyber space, never to be heard from again.
To really ensure that you get the best possible suppliers, use a reputable online supplier directory. For a list of these try Googling “product sourcing directories“.
Tags: baby products, baby wholesale, buy wholesale, cheap baby products, cheap products, clothes, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, easy cash, easy money, eBay, gifts, home business, how to earn online, internet auctions, internet business, learn how to earn online, make money from home, make money online, Online Auctions, toys, wholesale products, wholesale suppliers, Wholesale Tips
6 Aug 2010
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions
Finding a niche market is one of the key ingredients to really making it in online selling. Did you know that beginner sellers are much more successful when they appeal to a very small market, rather than trying to appeal to everyone?
Finding a niche isn’t always easy – it takes time and persistence to find the right product to sell. To get you thinking, and to give you a few inspiring ideas, we have researched 5 product niche ideas to share with you. While some niche ideas might seem abstract to newbie sellers, that is exactly what a great niche is – very precise and seemingly difficult to source.
Niche Item #1: Heart Rate Monitors
These are used by athletes and gym bunnies or by people who need to keep an eye on their heart rate.
Why they are an exciting niche item:
- They have a 75% success rate on eBay (75% of all monitors listed on eBay in the last three months sold!)
- They are lightweight and easy to ship and store
- One size fits all
Niche Item #2: Plus Size Shoes
Many big-foot’s out there find it very difficult to find shoes that will fit them comfortably from regular retail stores.
Why they are a super niche item:
- While these are commonly made by popular shoe makers, stores often order only a handful of pairs in larger sizes, which means that more and more, our big-footed friends must turn to buying online to get what they need.
- They have a high success rate on eBay (women’s size 11 sell at 61.9% and men’s size 14 at 75%
- Both men and women alike can require plus size shoes (Hot tip: women’s size 11+ high heels could make a great little niche)
Niche Item #3: Plus Size Maternity Wear
Another plus-size item with huge success on eBay
It’s a profitable niche because:
- Maternity and baby gear always works because people are always going to have babies, so you’ll never run out of customers!
- Clothing items are easy to ship as they light and not fragile.
Niche Item #4: Military Insignia
Collectibles always make great niches and you can dig really deep to find the best ones. They are also perfect for people who are interested in them – you’ll find it much easier and much more rewarding when you sell something you enjoy. To really niche it up, go for US military insignia from the Vietnam War which is big on eBay.
Why military insignia makes an excellent niche:
- It rarely dates or goes out of fashion
- There are so many sub-niches to discover like Russian war medals and World War 2 helmets.
Niche Item #5: Antique Clocks
Another great collectible item
They are a first-rate niche because:
- You’ll appeal to both collectors and home decorators
- They have an eBay success rate of over 67%
- You can often pick these up very cheaply from flea markets and yard sales, then sell them on to make a profit
Niche items really are the way to go for newbie sellers and there are so many out there to keep you interested and best of all, make you money!
Looking to resell some of those products but don’t know where to start? Well here is the answer wholesale database is the largest database of wholesalers worldwide get all those products at wholesale price and start making money by reselling them on trademe, ebay or other auction sites.
Tags: Antique Clocks, buy wholesale, cheap products, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, Earning Online, easy cash, easy money, free money, Heart Rate Monitors, home business, internet auctions, internet business, make money from home, make money online, Military Insignia, niche, niche ideas, Niche Item, Niche Markets, niche products, nokia, Online Auctions, Online Auctions | Tagged: buy online, Plus Size Maternity Wear, Plus Size Shoes, promote your website, ps2, ps3, psp, wholesale goods, wholesale products, wholesale suppliers, Wholesale Tips, xbox
27 Jan 2010
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions
In recent years with evolution of the internet online shopping has become more and more popular. Just doing a quick search on the internet we can see many major retailers offering facilities for purchasing goods online. Shopping online makes our lives easier and saves us a bit of money as usually online prices are slightly cheaper than the ones in the retail stores. But the main questions we need to look at are: are we buying from correct places and are there any way we can save more money without compromising on quality of the product.
Most of us who frequently shop online buy goods from large retailers like major department stores from their online stores or from auctions websites like eBay etc. Well let’s look at the department stores first they generally keep their margins at a certain level as they need to make profit to cover their expenses. If you compare prices in department stores to prices on the same items on eBay or some small websites you will notice that prices for the same items are generally much cheaper on eBay and from smaller online retailers. But in saying that people who selling online still making good margins on products and quite often they make better margins then larger outlets as their overheads are much smaller and they source product for the same price.
Well now why can we an average person buy something at a wholesale price and save ourselves somewhere between 10% and 200% of the retail price. Yes 200% is correct some items especially things like accessories, clothing, cables, etc get margined up by 200% or in some cases even more. I will give one example cat6 network cable I used to pay $17 dollars for a 2 meter cable then I opened up a corporate account with that store and suddenly they were offering me the same cable for $6 and then I found a cable distributer online and now I am paying $2 for cable and the thing is the price was not in any way affected by the quantity as I usually buy 1 or 2 cables.
You probably thinking right now that it would be really nice to get hold of the products at this prices but how do i find this wholesalers and how do I know which once are real and which are scam. Well there are two ways you can go about it.
First you can spend countless hours searching the internet and researching each wholesaler separately to make sure they are the real deal or you can just sign up to the largest wholesale directory and get instant access to over 7000 wholesalers in every imaginable category. I have been a member of that directory for many years now and for the small one time joining fee I have a lifetime access to the biggest wholesale database which saves me tens of thousands of dollars every year just buy buying everyday items like socks t-shirts etc directly from wholesalers.
Bellow I made a few screenshots on products and prices you can get from wholesalers just so you can see and compare the prices for yourself and realise how much money you can save just buy buying directly from wholesalers online.
Free tips for buying and selling online
Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

More Examples

So if you what to get this great prices on all your everyday shopping and start saving without compromising on quality join wholesale directory today and start enjoying these great prices. Click here to get discounted membership price.
Tags: buy online, buy wholesale, cheap products, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, easy cash, easy money, free money, home business, internet auctions, internet business, make money from home, make money online, nokia, Online Auctions, promote your website, ps2, ps3, psp, wholesale goods, wholesale products, wholesale suppliers, Wholesale Tips, xbox
25 Jan 2010
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online
Establishing your own E-commerce site is not like what it used to be. There are thousands of competition that is all too willing to get a bigger share of the pie. Every scheme and method you can find to augment your sales would be very beneficial.
We have got to admit to ourselves. Most of us are into it for the money. We are not going to waste our time and effort just for the fun of it. Many sites would not wait until hell freezes over just to see their profits. While there are some who takes things lightly there are always those who would rather see profit any given day.
It is common knowledge that without traffic we have no business. Like any business, without any customers you don’t get sales. Traffic represents all the people that gets a chance to see what you have to offer. The more people who see your products the more people there would be to buy them.
Nobody puts up an E-commerce site that doesn’t expect profit. We have a startup capital that needs to be regained. With a consistent traffic, we at least have a fighting chance to achieve that probability. Monetizing your traffic would optimize your chances of making the best out of it.
Making Money out of your Traffic
The best and most proven method of making a profit out of your traffic is using advertising. The internet generates hundreds of thousands upon hundred of thousands of traffic everyday. Most of them are searching for something. While some are just looking for information there is also a good percentage that is looking for something that they need.
The internet has proven to be a very reliable source in finding what was deemed to be a very unsearchable product. The internet has made the world a smaller place; you can advertise a product from the depths of Istanbul and still find a buyer from the center of Philadelphia.
Generating traffic is not an easy task. You have to contend with a great number of sites to generate a good number of traffic flow. But if done successfully this could open up a Pandora’s Box of possibilities. One of the benefits is monetizing your traffic flow.
So, to get to the core of it the more traffic you generate the more likely you are considered as a desirable, desirable, in a sense that a good traffic flowing site is easily convertible to profit. Basically traffic equals profit. Advertising is the name of the game; with the good advertising scheme you can use your traffic flow to your advantage.
When you have good traffic you have a good number of potential customers, customers that are willing to pour money into your coffers. Other than that these are also traffic that can be redirected to sponsored links that are willing to pay you for a sizeable portion of the traffic that you have generated.
This scheme is called “pay-per-click”. With every click a visitor of your site makes on an advertised link you will be paid. The more traffic you generate and the more clicks that happens would spell to more profits.
Affiliate Programs
Another method of monetizing your traffic are affiliate programs. You can link up with other tried and tested sites and online companies and monetize your traffic by having a percentage of sales generated by traffic coming from your site.
The basic idea is, traffic generated from your site will go to another site that can offer a product that you do not carry. Many programs can keep track and make records of transactions that was made possible because of site linkage.
When purchases are made by customers that was led by your site to their site you get a percentage of that sale. Affiliate programs would give you the benefit of monetizing your traffic without the actual need of carrying or promoting a certain product.
There are so many ways and methods to monetize your traffic. All it takes is a bit of hard work and the desire to successfully launch a profit-earning site. The internet is a veritable source of information, many tips and guides are offered everywhere in how to monetize your traffic and make your site a good profit earner.
Tags: earn from home, earn online, easy cash, easy money, fast money, free addvertising, free advertising, free money, home business, internet money, learn how to earn online, make money from home, Website promotion
We all know that there people online who make quite allot of money. Also many of us have tried to make some extra cash and fail. Well I am not going to go into the reasons why people fail online and why other succeed. I will also not go into how to make money online. What I am going to do is run a competition and the person who will win it WILL MAKE MONEY online in 2010. What I am going to do for the winner is I will set up a money making website and pay all the expenses associated with website set up I will also give some money towards advertising. I personally will help the winner to promote his/her new website and make money out of it. Competition details bellow.
Here what you will get
1 money making website ( website example here)
1 year of webhosting paid by me
1 domain name for a year (you chose the name you like)
$100 dollars for advertising on yahoo and google
1 Article pack which you can use in any way you want
I will also help you promote and earn money from your new website
Here are requirements for the competition
You have to be over 18 years old
You have to have a paypal account
How to enter
To enter the competition is free
All you have to do is post “Show me the money” in this forum thread http://www.wizit.co.nz/cms/Forum/tabid/58/forumid/2/postid/19/scope/posts/Default.aspx#19
The winner will be selected at random on first of February 2010
One entry per person.
Good luck to everyone
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Tags: buy online, cheap products, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, easy cash, easy money, eBay, fast money, free addvertising, free advertising, free money, free traffic, home business, how to earn online, internet auctions, internet business, internet money, learn how to earn online, make extra cash from home, make money, make money from home, make money online, money, promote your website, retire fast, website marketing, Website promotion