The Best Baby Product Wholesalers
Author: casper021 | Filed under: Earning Online, Online Auctions, UncategorizedYou have probably heard or read all about how popular baby items are to buy and sell online, and really, it’s no wonder – with over 15,000 babies being born every hour of every day across the globe, there is always a huge demand for baby products! Their immense online popularity comes for three reasons:
- New mum’s don’t always have time to go out to the store and buy new clothes, toys and other everyday items like feeding equipment and blankets, therefore, buying online suits their lifestyles much more than buying from regular stores.
- Raising babies is expensive business. Babies grow out of clothes very quickly, they go through dozens of diapers every week, not to mention saving for their education! So it’s really no surprise that the average cost of bringing up a baby in a Western country is around US$70,000 just in their first 5 years! For this reason, parents will try very hard to cut any costs they can, and more often than not, buying online will help them out immensely
- Many stay-at-home moms will use their spare time during the day to sell some of their used baby items online. It’s a great way for them to earn some extra cash and helps to get them interacting with the outside world a little more, which is great for curing the dreaded mommy brain syndrome!
There is still plenty of room to make money in this ever-growing market, and finding the best supplier possible is the key to your success. Read on as I let you in on what to look for in a super supplier and how to find the best ones available.
What to look for in a baby product wholesaler:
Stockist of safety equipment: Parents love spending money on safety equipment for their little ones and baby safety equipment is a top seller on eBay.
Great product knowledge: Just as you will be a better seller if you know a lot about baby products, your supplier will be more valuable to you if they know all about the items they are selling.
Flawless customer service and reliability: If they let you down, it could let your customers down so make sure you work with a supplier who understands what it means to offer great customer service.
Quality items: Quality control is especially important when it comes to selling baby products, especially if you are selling something like strollers, walkers or swings and play sets. Quality of clothing is just as important, as even though a baby may only have a few months to wear something before they grow out if it, chances are their clothes will be washed very often after they have spilled food, vomited or played outside in the puddles while wearing them.
Where to find the best baby product wholesalers
Online suppliers are usually the way to go but if you prefer to stay local you can either visit local trade shows or fairs (you might have to travel if you aren’t in a large city) or simply refer to your Yellow Pages (look up wholesalers, manufacturers, and suppliers), or Google the name of the product you are looking for + your state or city.
To find great online suppliers, performing a Google search is a great start. Remember though that the best sellers aren’t always on the first page of search results. It’s important to not to forget that when you search for suppliers on Google or any other search engine, you make yourself vulnerable to con artists out there who will take your money and run off into cyber space, never to be heard from again.
To really ensure that you get the best possible suppliers, use a reputable online supplier directory. For a list of these try Googling “product sourcing directories“.
Tags: baby products, baby wholesale, buy wholesale, cheap baby products, cheap products, clothes, drop shipping, earn from home, earn online, earn with auctions, easy cash, easy money, eBay, gifts, home business, how to earn online, internet auctions, internet business, learn how to earn online, make money from home, make money online, Online Auctions, toys, wholesale products, wholesale suppliers, Wholesale Tips
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